Drastically Reduce Rendertime in Blender Cycles (New Denoising Feature)


Learn how to drastically reduce rendertime in Blender Cycles using the new denoising feature. Simply reducing noise without using higher samples rates.

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34 responses to “Drastically Reduce Rendertime in Blender Cycles (New Denoising Feature)”

  1. WOW! That is all I can say, I'm speechless. I have just switched on the feature and now my frames look better at 300 samples that they did at 1200, just WOW! Saving time 3 fold. With the animation that I'm doing that has 450 frames that will save me days of rendering, this feature really blows you away. Noise is such a huge problem and especially in internal scenes (like the one I'm doing), noise is something of an ugly pest. No longer! Best feature that has come along in the last 5 years.

  2. Erm, wtf??? i though the denoiser INCREASED render time at the cost of more clearner results. Are you telling me that it is also far more faster??? amazing!. We finally can produce noiseless rendes in blender!!

  3. Sorry, and many thanks for your video. I've already installed the newer version i think (2.78.6) and the denoising feature does not appear. I have the features in properties of Layers, Passes, and Views. Why I can't see it?

    Many thanks

  4. Filmic and Denoise. It's like, someone asked, "Hey Blender users, if you could have two magic buttons to fix what's wrong with your renders, what would they be?".

    Seriously, Blender 2.79 is such a huge upgrade, this could of been 2.8! Renders are going to look way better and render way faster! Never been a better time to be on board the Blender train. 😀

  5. I downloaded the latest build for blender but unfortunately the de-noise is not functioning. Its only a little while before the first official release of 2.79 so I might have wait for that. Can't wait to try it out and see how it compares with Renderman.

  6. I wonder if it's possible to benchmark Cycles' Denoise vs RENDERMAN's Denoise. It's great that Blender users have access to both of those render engines and I'm curious how they compare. I started learning RENDERMAN for its denoise feature, but now Cycles has its own denoise! [Tip: If your Denoise settings are grayed out, it could be because you're using Progressive Refine. Those two features are not currently compatible.]

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