SU 2011 – MA391 — A –Character Setup: J.B
Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Leg
Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Arm
This is a quick recap for what Jason has already covered in class.
Leave any questions you have in the comments section below and I’ll do my best to get back to you in a timely manner.
by Luke
Handy hotKeys for Maya
d = move center pivot (Insertkey also works the same way)
d+v = vert snap
d+c = curve snap
d+x = Grid snap
Ctrl+g = new null group
shift+leftClick = add to selection
q = select to (and deselect any tools in use)
p = parent
shift+p = unparent
20 responses to “Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Back spline”
You are the best!!! Thank you sooo very much for this tutorial!!! (@^v^@)/
i love you <3
m really poor in rigging but m dam gud at animating…
Glad it was useful to you!
Owww man, this was so helpful, thanks a lot!
You need to select any number of control vertices from the spline IK. After you have one or more selected then you can create a clust of them. left click the spline then right click to get the hot menu, and select the {control vertex} option to be able to select the vertices you need to clust.
@Moumita das I'll play with it tomorrow during my stream, and see about uploading my solution. Just to clarify your issue. You want an IK arm that is stretchy. And in addition have the ability to bend in a "noodely/cartoony" manner while the arm is stretched, Yes?
Valthalin i can apply bend and stretch separately but unable to stretch the bendy arm. And thanks a lot for your kind reply.
Currently no. I could make one. In the mean time I found a video that should be adequate for stretch, and another for bendy setup. I didn't watch all of the bendy setup, but it looks like it will get you were you want to be. If you have any questions I'll be live streaming tonight around 6 or 7pm PST US on justin tv under valthalintv. Hope this helps.
Valthalin have you got any tutorial on stretch and bend arm apllied on same rigg
You are most welcome!
Hey Valthalin, thankz a lottttttttt
Hey thanks for the question. I often prefer to just have two ikSplines. I've seen it done with set driven key as well. I'm a little busy right now, But I'll see if I can make a quick tutorial to walk through with a couple different ways of doing it. With some pros and cons of each method some time next week.
Thank you for watching. =) I will probably make some more tuts in the nearish future.
Thank You So much!!!
Hoping for more Tuts 😉
Ty, your guess was right hehe, I searched at the Autodesk user guide and it says the curve gets parented to the parent of the start joint
Thanks for the question richardcarrillo1882, Hah, but you know I've just come to accept doing it. I can't really remember why. My guess would be because you would be influencing bones that your curve is parented under. Thus the curve would inherited those bones transformation data. At best you would get double transformations, at worst you would get a feedback loop and the rig would break shooting your bones off into never never land. I'll have to do a quick test on that. Hope that helps.
Np, thanks for watching, =)
Thank you!!!