Blender Tip: Lighting Interiors with Light Portals

A Quick tip on using light portals in blender!

sorry for the freezes when i go to render, OBS does not like noisy images.

I’ve got a twitter. its twitter… i tweet stuff… sometimes. you know… cat stuff… mmmm… cats…


10 responses to “Blender Tip: Lighting Interiors with Light Portals”

  1. I just want you to know I love love love the way you teach, you don't waste time talking about nonsense like some Blender tutorials makers that take FOREVER to get to the point and make an hour out of a 5 minute subject. I love your tutorials !

  2. This is one of the most informative tips Iv'e recently watched. This is a problem solver for semi lit areas, something Iv'e struggled with a lot while using Blender for a long time! Thank you very much 🙂

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