Blenders 2.66 New features
Check out this great article about the new features in Blender 2.66 by the outstanding Andrew Price. Its getting there folks, everyday better and better. Use Open Source!!! http://www.blenderguru.com/3-massive-features-of-2-66/
Bring out the GIMP!!!! natively for OSX
“Bring out the Gimp!” “Gimp’s sleeping.” “Well, I guess you’re gonna have to go wake him up now, won’t you? “ What are you thinking???? Not that GIMP!!! I mean Theeeee GIMP, the open source (image editing program) alternative to Photoshop. And I’m here to tell you that it has taken a major leap forward…
Grey screen of death… in Maya’s UV Editor
My texture doesn’t appear appear in Maya’s uv editor. Even worse, if I selected a different texture in the editor, they wouldn’t show on the model! Man, I tried it all with no luck and as my desperation grew and grew it dawned on me, ” It must be a conspiracy against me, the gods…
Quick color correct of raw files in Photoshop
[heading style=”1″]OK kiddies today we are going to show a quick way of color correcting RAW files. Nothing spectacular here just a fast way to get the job done without any frills.[/heading] Lets get started…. First we need an image, so lets open one up and see what we got. I’ll be using one that…
This IS Python!
Following up on my Python initiative, I came across this outstanding article over Autodesk. David Lightbown shows us one of the many and for me one of the coolest possibilities of using python in Maya. For me this is a breath of fresh air as it takes me out of the tedious…
My Adventure with a Slippery Snake
Well, it’s started. I have begun my adventure with that slippery snake called Python programming. As you can see on this site, one of my passions is forex trading and while I am progressing quite well, it is time to take it to the next level. This is where the need to be able to…
Great Article about Typography
While looking for a logo for this blog I stumbled upon this great article by Alexander Alexandrov over at Amateurmedia.net. He gives you 5 guidelines that you should use when selecting a type face for your logo. I had searched high and low for just something like this tut and low and…
That pescky Little Snitch!!!!
I have just spent the last 4 hours of my life trying to figure out why the hell Safari wouldn’t open HTTPS sites… and it hasn’t been pretty!!! Let me go though some of the suggestions I have found and tried and remember this is for OSX 10.6 and up (I’m pretty sure, although I…
Language? What language?
After battling it out with the language files on my wife’s blog for about 3 hours I was finally able to get Buddypress and BBPress working in Spanish. Trust me it isn’t as straight forward as you might think and all the tuts out there always seem to miss something or they aren’t valid for…
If you use WordPress you need to read this!
If you use WP you really need to check out the following article from Siobhan McKeown over at wpmu.org. Like me you prabably love free things and who doesn’t? But those freebies could run you into loads of trouble or reek havok on your site. Remember, cheap is expensive in the long…