Photographer and YouTuber Speaks up on Alleged Industry Abuse by Photographers, Models Recall Worst Experiences


In light of the barrage of recent allegations against top industry photographers, Jessica Kobeissi is utilizing her platform on YouTube to shed light on what she describes as “the dark side of modeling,” sharing stories she’d heard from females she’s worked with.

At one hour long, the video covers everything from harassive text messages and Instagram DMs, to the details of some of the physical abuse models have suffered. The video paints a dire picture of the state of the industry, making it apparent that the alleged actions of photographers like Marcus Hyde are not at all uncommon.

Kobeissi goes on to explain:

This is not just specific to females and I want to make this very clear. There are male models as well who are abused. I want to just say that out loud because a lot of the times we focus on the females and it does happen to male models.

She shares numerous stories, talking through the way in which these interactions typically take place. She even offers pointers for new models, illustrating red flags so that others can dodge these kinds of photographers altogether.

As a human, YouTuber and photographer with a large platform and close friends who are models that have experienced harassment, I feel responsible to speak up about this serious issue plaguing the photography and modeling community. I hope I do this topic justice. I hope it’s good enough.

Watch the eye-opening video now.


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