Tag: blender modeling tutorial

  • Creation of the Benbow Inn from Disney's Treasure Planet in Blender 2.8

    Creation of the Benbow Inn from Disney's Treasure Planet in Blender 2.8

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lcL3sdZSFuY/hqdefault.jpg Hello everyone! Today I’ll be live here on YouTube for the first time creating the Benbow Inn from Disney’s Treasure Planet. As I said before that’s my first stream on YouTube so I hope it goes well. Let me know if you are up to this kind of stream on YouTube and if you…

  • Blender Photogrammetry Addon v1.0

    Blender Photogrammetry Addon v1.0

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hk5ovQ6-IbM/hqdefault.jpg Download: https://github.com/stuarta0/blender-photogrammetry/releases/tag/1.0 A photogrammetry addon for Blender 2.79 and 2.80 that allows conversion and processing between a number of photogrammetry formats, in addition to providing dense reconstruction straight from Blender’s camera tracker. 00:10 What is it? 00:43 Why I made the addon 04:13 How to use it 10:07 Meshlab workflow for mesh creation and…

  • Markkoja Blender 3D

    Markkoja Blender 3D

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/X_zDnQre-dU/hqdefault.jpg Markkoja mitä mää tein Blenderillä, ja yks lasipallo joka menee rikki. En ollu kokeillu fysiikkaa blenderissä aikasemmin. Tämän päiväsestä brexitistä tuli mieleen että ehkä tää symbolisoi sitä kun Suomi meni mukaan EU:hun, vaikka tietoisesti en kyllä tehny siihen mitään semmosta symbolismia. source

  • Blender Tutorial For Beginners: Ice text

    Blender Tutorial For Beginners: Ice text

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/39-CWSn_kms/hqdefault.jpg http://www.LittleWebHut.com This Blender video demonstrates how to make Ice text using the cycles render engine. Blender’s fluid simulator is used during this video. Blender version 2.64 was used for this tutorial. This is a good tutorial for beginners. Blender website Homepage If you are using a long string of characters and your text looks…

  • How To 3D Modeling Using Blender Series: Tutorial #02 Retopology

    How To 3D Modeling Using Blender Series: Tutorial #02 Retopology

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/22RH5LjRwyE/hqdefault.jpg Warning: this subject is very challenging to understand, it may take many months of experience and a lot of screen-time hours until you feel comfortable enough to design a complicated 3D object. In this video I try and simplify the process. source



    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YFEHEK3aNzM/hqdefault.jpg #VFXVIBE HOW TO RENDER AMBIENT OCCLUSION IN NUKE | RAY RENDER | TUTORIAL IN HINDI Hello friends, this is VFX VIBE, I am starting this channel just to share knowledge i have. This is purely an education oriented channel. Please feel free to comment and give suggestion so that i can improve my contents……

  • Blender 3D: How to model and texture a realistic Football

    Blender 3D: How to model and texture a realistic Football

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SwpwzHPtqMc/hqdefault.jpg TEXTURES AND BLEND FILE AVAILABLE! http://www.firechildvideo.blogspot.com Thanks for Subscribing! See more at http://www.firechildvideo.blogspot.com In this exciting tutorial we are going to prove that realism is, indeed, possible inside of the FREE Blender 2.53 Beta release. There is an AWFUL lot to go over in this video. Modeling an American Football Adding realistic lighting Creating…

  • Blender Tutorial – Render Layers & Z Combine

    Blender Tutorial – Render Layers & Z Combine

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6cDo7dAO9x8/hqdefault.jpg A very brief and cursory look at Render Layers, the Compositor, and Z Combine in Blender. Basically, how can you isolate parts of your scene so that you can add different compositing effects to each part? Easy: Move the desired objects to separate to a new layer. Add a new render layer and tell…

  • Blender Tutorial: Modelling Teil 4 – Fortschritte und hinterer Kotflügel

    Blender Tutorial: Modelling Teil 4 – Fortschritte und hinterer Kotflügel

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/brYnqM3v4mU/hqdefault.jpg Nach einer viel zu langen Pause melde ich mich nun zurück. Ich entschuldige mich dass es so lange gedauert hat, aber wenn man keine Zeit hat, kann man nichts machen. So, die Türen und die A-Säule sind einfach mal fertig gemacht worden. Da war nichts wirklich Schwieriges dran. Deshalb zeige ich hier nun wie…

  • How to use the New Denoiser in Blender 2.79 (Scene Creation)

    How to use the New Denoiser in Blender 2.79 (Scene Creation)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/X4FHx1Z0-nY/hqdefault.jpg This video will explain the new feature in Blender that will dramatically improve your render times by ‘denoising’ your scene. I will also explain how to use portals in interior scenes. ————————————————————————————————————- Links: Blender 3D: http://www.blender.org/ If you have any questions be sure to ask them on my Google+ Site or Email. Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/109989866345856089685/+TheCGNinjacomGooglePage/posts…