Tag: shader

  • Texturing for Beginners: Top 14 Ways to Mix Textures and Shaders (in Blender)

    Texturing for Beginners: Top 14 Ways to Mix Textures and Shaders (in Blender)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/liNGmdXsfbs/hqdefault.jpg http://www.creativeshrimp.com/texturing-mix-tutorial.html Want to learn texturing, but too lazy to start? I’ll back you up. In this tutorial you’ll learn the top 14 ways to mix textures and shaders in Blender. MasterXeon Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/masterxeon1001 Hard Ops Add On: https://gumroad.com/l/hardops ———————————————————————————————————– 01:11 By Poligons. 02:04 By Object ID. 03:31 By Random. 04:43 Paint the Mask…

  • Blender3D Toon Shader Particle Smoke

    Blender3D Toon Shader Particle Smoke

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VF2s4gTsmyk/hqdefault.jpg Some early test on using the Blender3D particle system for toon shading style smoke. source

  • Blender Tutorial I Modern Hologram in Cycles

    Blender Tutorial I Modern Hologram in Cycles

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QQ-TeRFB84Y/hqdefault.jpg Blendfile of final shader an intro animation at: http://blenderdiplom.com/en/tutorials/all-tutorials/563-tutorial-modern-hologram-shader-in-cycles.html The Cycles Encyclopedia: https://store.blender.org/product/cycles-encyclopedia/ source

  • tutorial de blender como modelar e renderizar com cycles

    tutorial de blender como modelar e renderizar com cycles

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/S-yyuMNuAC8/hqdefault.jpg Tutorial de blender como modelagem e renderizar com cycles. Novo Blender tutorial ! E desta vez vamos aprender como criar o Um anel, aquele que perturba todo mundo na terra media! muito simples e detalhado você vai conseguir aprender a criar sua própria super ilustração do começo ao fim! Link Arquivos: https://mega.nz/#F!BP4kSBAK!Qc-it8AM3yZ-wN1l00-muQ Modelagem iluminação…

  • Blender-Tutorial – Einführung in Cycles (Weihnachtsszene) (1/2)

    Blender-Tutorial – Einführung in Cycles (Weihnachtsszene) (1/2)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7SkIk-cSe1A/hqdefault.jpg Willkommen zu meinem letzten Blender 2.6 Tutorial für 2011! Als kleine Weihnachtsüberraschung zeige ich euch, wie ihr mit der neuen Render Engine „Cycles” umgeht und eine schöne Weihnachtsszene erstellt, die in Cycles gerendert werden kann! Fertiges Renderergebnis: http://fav.me/d4la4xt Software: Blender 2.61 (Download: http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/) GIMP 2.6 (http://www.gimp.org/downloads/) Kapitel: 00:00 Einleitung 05:14 Einführung in Cycles 07:00…

  • Car Paint Tutorial- Blender 2.63 Cycles (Part1)

    Car Paint Tutorial- Blender 2.63 Cycles (Part1)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uj12KTzkG6s/hqdefault.jpg DOWNLOAD MODEL HERE: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/materials/the-mahi-car-paint/ PART 2 HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXE5X3MkhfM Portfolio: http://sterlingschiff.webs.com http://forge.localmotors.com/pages/profile.php?u=8231 Learn how to set up a renderable environment, configure node-based materials, and create an amazing car paint shader in this video tutorial! It takes you and guides you, step by step, into rendering one of your car models in Blender 2.63 with the…

  • Create Simple Car Rig in Maya Tutorial

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/P3eXadV-6Es/hqdefault.jpg Simpel Car Rig in Maya Tutorial without plugins source

  • Wireframe in Cycles – Blender Tutorial

    Wireframe in Cycles – Blender Tutorial

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zjhdGY21WqQ/hqdefault.jpg This tutorial covers various methods to create a wire frame in Blender’s Cycles render engine, including using only materials, and also using addons For the blend file of this tutorial and links referred to in the video, head over to http://blendernerd.com/wireframe-in-cycles/ source

  • Blender Materials Tutorial – Making Simple Metal Materials Using the Cycles Render (Chrome, Gold)

    Blender Materials Tutorial – Making Simple Metal Materials Using the Cycles Render (Chrome, Gold)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QrGeZWkOomA/hqdefault.jpg This tutorial shows how to set up basic metal materials using the Cycles Render. It shows how to set up and light a simple scene and how to mix shaders to make silvery and golden materials. Simply changing the default Diffuse shader to the Glossy shader gives a highly reflective metal appearance but it…

  • Understanding the Blender Cycles Material Node System

    Understanding the Blender Cycles Material Node System

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3_N_rOYhrVE/hqdefault.jpg Have you ever wondered how Blender’s Cycles Render Engine’s node system worked? Have you created a lot of textures others have shared, but never understood how it worked? Now’s your chance to learn, as we go over the different nodes, and how to use them. source