Creare Layout Responsive con Bootstrap 3 #5 – Grid (Articoli) + Footer
[ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gSN7Dy31uLY/hqdefault.jpg SEGUIMI SU FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Carmhack HAI BISOGNO DI UN SITO WEB? http://rudecodesoftware.com Serie di video su come creare diversi layout utilizzando HTML5 e Bootstrap 3. Link al codice: https://github.com/carmhack/bootstrap-layout-youtube Qui tutta la playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGeQyNDhU6x1svzO_uUVcrddKrSYmeWhv ALTRE PLAYLIST!! Tutorial Linguaggio C Tutorial Deep Web Tutorial Unity 2D Tutorial Java Tutorial Python 3.4 Tutorial Pygame Tutorial Android…
Photoshop CS6/CC: How To Remove Unwanted Objects (People & Objects)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HuTDtuZ-muk/hqdefault.jpg Both ways of removing a unwanted objects in photoshop cc, cs6, cs5 and other recent versions 2017/2018. In this tutorial we take a look at how to remove any unwanted object with two different tools. These tools are, healing brush tool and the patch tool. It’s simple to do and anyone can do it…
Como crear un PROYECTO en Autodesk Maya 2016 : Tutorial – #128 (Animación 3D en español)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kXv1emdH-2Q/hqdefault.jpg Proyecto en Autodesk Maya Tutorial Autodesk Maya 2016 en español. VERSIÓN PREMIUM: Suscribete en http://escardo.com/suscripcion-club 🌉 Corto animado “Booty Call”: http://anim3d.club/booty-call-short 📙 Libro “Finish your Short Film”: http://anim3d.club/short-film-libro SIGUENOS en: https://www.facebook.com/tutoriales.maya.3D ▶ Mira la versión PREMIUM aquí ➨ http://anim3d.club/Curso-Maya Siguenos en facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tutoriales.maya.3D En este tutorial el profesor Víctor Escardó te muestra como crear…
[ Photoshop Tutorial ] How to Create CIRCULAR STRETCH Effect in Photoshop
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tPJtQz686ec/hqdefault.jpg Hello everyone, In this video tutorial, I’ll show you how to create Circular Stretch Effect in photoshop easily. —————————————— 🔷 SUBSCRIBE my channel for more tutorials : http://bit.ly/SafiiClon —————————————— Kalau kalian Suka dengan Video ini, Jangan Lupa SUBSCRIBE & LIKE yaa… ^_^ Silahkan kasih komentar, Kritik & saran yg membangun untuk Channel ini… ——————————————…
Rigging Tutorial 01: Understanding Aim Constraints
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/P8xmfDI1pUI/hqdefault.jpg Description: This video provides a technical explanation of how aim constraints work. The purpose is to develop an understanding of fundamental ideas that power more advanced rigging solutions. Level: Beginner Software: Any source
Dramatic Portraiture & Lighting with Chris Knight | A PRO EDU Photography Tutorial
Shadow, emotion, mood, storytelling–all of these are fundamental elements of a dramatic portrait. In this new Dramatic Portraiture and Lighting tutorial, we’ve partnered with Chris Knight to produce this step-by-step, all-inclusive walkthrough of his advanced portrait workflow. The story-telling centrality of his method lies in the understanding that creating light should help to fulfill the…
Keyframes / Claves / Llaves ¿Cómo editar Animación 3D en Timeline? Tutorial Maya #120 (en español)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YXteKSk8Xb0/hqdefault.jpg Keyframes Claves llaves Edición de la Animación 3D Tutorial Autodesk Maya 2016 en español. ▶ Mira la versión PREMIUM aquí ➨ http://anim3d.club/Curso-Maya En este tutorial el profesor Víctor Escardó te muestra como editar tu animación una vez que hallas creados los keyframes (claves o llaves de animacion 3D). _ ESTUDIA ANIMACIÓN 3D con el…
Skinning Rigging and applying mocap data using Human IK tutorial in Maya
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pvVgf9jETyo/hqdefault.jpg Tutorial showing how to create a skeleton for a simple polygon model, skin it using heat map, setup the skeleton for Human IK, create a Human IK control rig, importing mocap files, and applying them to the rig. All done in maya 2014 source
Maya 2014 tutorial: How to model a Greek column
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/me0fVhKHBPY/hqdefault.jpg #3DModeling #3DAnimation In this tutorial I will show you how to model a Greek column. source
How to turn yourself into a zombie! (photoshop)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6aoC6IF87f4/hqdefault.jpg In this quick #photoshop tutorial I’ll show you how you can turn yourself into a bloody #zombie! By the way, I know halloween is over, but I just really felt like making this #horror video! Image links: https://dlpng.com/png/140492 https://www.pexels.com/photo/chicken-flesh-623142/ https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-wearing-turban-1275292/ https://www.pexels.com/photo/cooking-cyroe-delicacy-goat-s-flesh-273775/ https://pixnio.com/textures-and-patterns/wood-texture/pattern-wall-texture-wood-grunge-material-wood-plank# The blood brushes: https://www.brusheezy.com/brushes/58375-20-blood-splatter-ps-brushes-abr-vol-3 ________________________________________________________________ I hope you’ve learned something new today!…