TOP 10 MUST-SEE PLACES IN NORWAY – A Photographer's Guide

This is a travel guide to Norway showing the top 10 places you must see if you’re visiting. These tips are from the perspective of a photographer, but the places are perfectly fine to visit if you’re a regular traveller as well.

I’ve been fortunate enough to travel around in Norway almost contently for the past few years as a time-lapse photographer. That has given me extensive knowledge of what Norway has to offer, also outside the most touristic places. This list includes some true hidden gems you might not have heard of before.

Norway is a fantastic country, and this list could’ve been much, much longer. But these are my favorites, and I’m sure you’ll love them too.

The full list:
1. Senja
1. Varangerhalvøya
1. Femundsmarka
4. Loenvatnet
5. Valdres
6. Hardanger
7. Helgeland
8. Lofoten
9. Nærøyfjorden
10. Jettegrytene i Nissedal

For more pictures of my adventures, visit my Instagram @morten.rustad (

All photos and videos in the video are taken by me. Some of them are produced in cooperation with Turbin Film (

Original source

40 responses to “TOP 10 MUST-SEE PLACES IN NORWAY – A Photographer's Guide”

  1. En partant d'Oslo, j'étais loin d'imaginer que cette longue randonnée allait m’ouvrir les portes d’une aventure passionnante dans les paysages grandioses de la Norvège. Aussi, j’ai souhaité révéler aux lecteurs mon journal de marche qui relate journée après journée ma marche vers Trondheim et leur faire découvrir un autre grand chemin de pèlerinage différent de ceux allant vers Compostelle.

    Dans "Le chemin oublié des rois vikings", je livre mes joies, mes souffrances et les rencontres parfois amusantes ou sentimentales.

    De mes observations, je raconte la vie quotidienne et les habitudes de nos voisins scandinaves. J’y aborde succinctement au gré des circonstances et des rencontres la civilisation viking.

    En vente sur Amazone au prix de 12 euros dont 2 euros reversés à l’association SEUIL.

  2. what do you think about "trollheimen"? leaving in a week to norway to hike. in my quest for a proper combination of wood, water and mountains (and not higher up north then trondheim) "trollheimen" was the best i could find.

  3. Over tourism ruins locations. New Zealand is blighted by tourists swamping places like Queenstown and Milford. The roads packed with campervans and rental cars driven by jet lagged visitors driving on wrong side of road etc! 🙁

  4. Amazing fottage! I am a Norwegian by blood, and I have not seen any of these places in own eye before. I really need to experience my country more 🙂 As a tip based on my Norwegianness: Dont expect people to be automaticly nice, Norwegians are proud and welcoming if you ask for directions or help. If we see something horrible or an accident happening, we will help you in anyway. If you expect help by proxy, please just ask us, We are mostly far apart så we dont have to deal with anyone asking for directions a lot of the time. We are so friendly and welcoming, but you have to approach us first. We tend too keep too ourselfs 😛 Love my country! ELSKER NORGE!

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