3 Mistakes All Beginner Photographers Make

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20 responses to “3 Mistakes All Beginner Photographers Make”

  1. Hey guys, I liked the video, but definitely couldn't agree with #1, at least with the example you provided. If you're doing actual photographing a room, I don't think you should ever expose for the outside scene, because that's not what the photo is about. It's about the room. The window will always be very bright, and so you should usually need to adjust the light in the room by using some other light sources. The window should be about 1 stop or a little more overexposed. All the person looking at the photo needs to know is that it's bright and nice outside. They don't need to see a fence or a building outside. That's not the subject and it usually just clutters the photo up.

    If you really need to underexpose the room and bring the exposure up in post, I would advise to use a tripod, take a number of photos at the same exposure and combine them in photoshop later. This would effectively give you an ultra-low ISO image, and give you the ability to raise the room exposure without encountering much noise.

  2. I'm tired of listening to "expert" photographers talking about RAW and post editing. I understand the logic, but I prefer getting the best I can shooting in JPEG. Photography is art and it is natural; post edited pics are fake. IMHO.

  3. did you just read my mind?
    im like overwhelmed with information that i did not realized i was only at tip 3 then you made a review of the whole video
    you must be god

    ps. how can i achieve your lut in premiere?

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