Baking Object Space Normal Map for low poly game asset (Autodesk Maya)

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Level = Intermediate

This tutorial is to demonstrate the baking process for creating an Object Space normal map with Autodesk Maya.
Note: Please do unwrap the UV of your low-poly mesh before attempt the baking process.


37 responses to “Baking Object Space Normal Map for low poly game asset (Autodesk Maya)”

  1. Been going through my lecturers notes/teachings the last 3 hours and couldn't make heads nor tails of it, despite attending the lesson last week. In these four minuets, I just did everything. Thank you my dude.

  2. hey if your still alive, do you usually make the high poly model and then duplicate it and start deleting detail to maintain the shape? or recreate it as low poly from scratch? will the baking mess up if its not 100% the same? like i recreate a low poly version but some parts of it is off by a few inches.

  3. Great tutorial. Wish more were like this; straight to the point, clear and concise. It took me a lot longer to learn Normal Baking in ZBrush, now after this tut, I feel I know everything I need to about Baking it in Maya – thanks.

  4. Hi there! There are many different possibilities that can cause the operand of normal baking to fail and out of course sometimes.  Sorry I can't figure out the written difficulties that you had faced.  Anyhow, please do ensure that the XYZ positions of both the low-res & high-res are aligned in the same object space coordinates before you begin the baking process.  Also, you would need to unwrap the UV of your low mesh before attempting the task.  The unwrapped UV must not be overlapped as well.  Hopefully, you can get it working! Cheers.

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