How to Easily Add Heat Distortion in Blender
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/x9fwI1axx1Y/hqdefault.jpg Hey Everyone! In this video I will be showing you how to easily add heat distortion to any image or scene that you have created by making a texture and using a quick compositing trick. This does not take long to do, and it can be easily customized. I hope you guys enjoy this…
Blender T- Rex Speed Modeling (Part 1)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mz1B1Ldvkoc/hqdefault.jpg Another Speed Modeling of a dinosaur. This time it is a T-Rex. music: Corruption, Future Gladiator Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ source
Blender Tutorial – STRANGE GLASS MATERIAL – Random Materials w/ Kai [002]
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/L02yCO3EOp0/hqdefault.jpg Today, we play around with a neat object, and create a cool material for it! IMPORTANT LINKS: Blender 2.79 https://www.blender.org/ SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube (skits) https://www.youtube.com/c/kaikayskitsongs YouTube (gaming) https://www.youtube.com/c/kaiplaysgames Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kaikayslife Twitter https://twitter.com/kaikaystweets ABOUT TUTSBYKAI: My name’s Kai and I make tutorials and I occasionally post speed art videos! I hope I could teach you…
Speed sculpting LIV TYLER head in Blender 3D (PART1⁄3)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fA_KgJgPges/hqdefault.jpg Скоростной скулптинг головы Лив Тайлер в Blender 3D от Ra-duet Часть 1 Speed sculpting LIV TYLER head in Blender 3D from RA-duet PART 1 Наш сайт: http://ra-duet.ru Наша группа вконтакте: http://vk.com/doll_ar Music: LukHash – H8 U 2 Музыка: LukHash – H8 U 2 source
*TRUE* Photorealistic Graphics – Can You Spot The Difference ?
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QNbzFxgUMV0/hqdefault.jpg In this special video, we are going to watch some great TRUE photorealistic graphics. Most of them are made by an open source program named Blender. Can you spot the difference? Music used: http://www.beatsuite.com and Beyond Skyrim Bruma OST I did not made these demos myself! All the credits for the demos go to…
Blender Tutorial- Ein paar Tipps zum Hardsurface modeling
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rYQTQN_C2F4/hqdefault.jpg Hey nach über nem Jahr abwesenheit *hust* gibts mich mal wieder. Hier ein kleiner Überblick in meinen Workflow. falls ihr Anregungen habt, bitte in die Kommentare oder mir eine Pm schrieben! 🙂 source
Blender 2.8 Tutorial Stoff | Cloth | Material Simulation erstellen.
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Sjx_YCgJEBE/hqdefault.jpg Blender 2.8 Tutorial Stoff | Cloth | Material Simulation erstellen. Mit einfachen Schritten einen Stoff inkl Kollision simulieren. Bitte nicht vergessen zu abonnieren um mehr Kostenlosen Stuff zu bekommen. Folge 0 (Einführung): https://youtu.be/ICSXtzLCIos Folge 1 (Modellieren): https://youtu.be/F7d8NTW5EvQ Folge 2 (Kanten glätten): https://youtu.be/EV5QEbxBV-U Folge 3 (Texturieren): https://youtu.be/Z74_0VpXpPM Folge 4 (Displacement): https://youtu.be/Ietl7R_KP_k Folge 5 (ANT LANDSCAPE):…
firework Blender 3d animation
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/34_BH_9yPKw/hqdefault.jpg A 3d Blender firework animation source
How to make a Georgian Environment in Blender 2.78
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-SHxkKDt6vU/hqdefault.jpg Creation of a Georgian environment in Blender 2.78 If you like leave a LIKE and Share. Thank you so much!! Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pietro-Chiovaro-3D-Artist/1415632772058720 Twitter: https://twitter.com/PietroChiov Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/pietrochiovaro Instagram: http://instagram.com/pietro_chiov Video and Music by Pietro Chiovaro ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © source
Blender Modeling Add-ons: Box Cutter
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bgB2E7AmaNo/hqdefault.jpg https://gumroad.com/masterxeon1001 – masterxeon1001 on Gumroad In this tutorial we’ll explore the basics of Box Cutter – a paid Blender 3D modeling add-on by Team C (Jerry Perkins and Adrian Rutkowski). Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! After the release of Hard-surface Modeling in Blender course we got a lot of questions…