2005 Ford Mustang GT Car Modelling Blender Tutorial – Part 1: Blueprints & Hood 2.72 / 2.73 beta
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5Fls4NiOMP8/hqdefault.jpg In this part we set up the blueprints, get reference images, and very slowly model the basic hood as a starting point to work off from. Exact blueprints used in the video here: http://www.blendertek.com/Tutorials/Front.png http://www.blendertek.com/Tutorials/Back.png http://www.blendertek.com/Tutorials/Top.png http://www.blendertek.com/Tutoriasl/Side.png Part 2: http://youtu.be/omh19sk-S5g If you want a hard-copy of this video for your computer, comment or email…
How to Brighten Portraits in Only 2 Minutes in Photoshop
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/t6GucvjmuUU/hqdefault.jpg Today we teach you a quick, effective way to brighten your portraits. Never again worry about the desaturated, unnatural skin tone that can come with brightening shadows! **Download the Sample Image Here: https://phlearn.com/tutorial/pure-white-bg-2/ VISIT PHLEARN.COM FOR MORE FREE TUTORIALS Homepage SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR MORE FREE TIPS AND TRICKS http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=phlearnllc LET’S BE FRIENDS! Instagram ►…
Modeling a Basic Gear in Blender 2.78 – Basic Modeling Tutorials For Beginners
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qrYngJmrEFA/hqdefault.jpg In this video, I will show you the basic techniques of creating a gear in Blender 2.78 using Extrude, Inset Faces, Scale tool. Let’s see how it works! Please subscribe to see more! Homepage: http://www.blendershare.com Music: http://www.bensound.com source
You Don’t Always Need A Photographer | Self-Portrait Tutorial
Check out Squarespace and save 10% off your first purchase: http://Squarespace.com/mangostreet and use the offer code “MANGOSTREET” at checkout! In this video, we give you tips to take your selfie to a self-portrait! Post yours to Instagram using #mangostreetselfportrait Photography tutorials that don’t waste your time. ►ALL OF OUR GEAR: http://bit.ly/mslgear This video was graded…
Blender Tutorial – Freehand Curve Feature!
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jse1jxbBXEA/hqdefault.jpg Checkout the Official BlenderMania Site! https://www.blendermania3d.com/ In this free 3d blender tutorial we take a look at the new freehand curve feature within Blender that allows for us to draw on curve objects that can be used for tentacles, tree roots, and much much more. source
Blender 3D Einsteiger Training – B03 – Modeling – Standmixer (Tutorial Deutsch)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZLNmDFVOlsE/hqdefault.jpg BITTE DAUMEN HOCH UND ABONNIEREN nicht vergessen
Erstelle in diesem Tutorial einen Standmixer. Komplette Tutorialserie bestellen http://blenderhilfe.de/?product=einfuehrung-in-blender zur kompletten Serie http://blenderhilfe.de/?p=1493 Themen: 3D Modellierung, Extrusion-Modelling, Subdivision-Surface, Modelling mit Curves bitte gib dem Tutorial einen Daumen nach oben und teile es!!! Blender 3D ist eine freie und professionelle Software, Download auf http://www.blender.org/download/ mehr Tutorials…
Blender tutorial: How to make Wild 3D ‘Viny Vines’
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dY1GaHTPPSw/hqdefault.jpg A quick and easy tutorial detailing how to make a sweet abstract effect in Blender. In the tutorial, we’ll be shaping a few 3D objects, going into some compositing, and learning how to improve cycles rendertimes by making backgrounds transparent. This effect can easily be used to make 3D wallpapers, animations, youtube intros and…
Autodesk Maya 2011 Basics Tutorial Part 1
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nd9Z7wgCB2Y/hqdefault.jpg This is Part 1 of my Maya Basics Tutorial. Link to the second part here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6kf3kVNakE In this tutorial we’re gonna’ take a look at the basics in Autodesk Maya 2011. We’re not gonna’ go too in depth as this one is intended mostly to those who just opened it up for the…
Blender Tutorial – Hard Surface Modeling Examples
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_-87f_7j5rQ/hqdefault.jpg In this tutorial I use various examples of hard surface models to create different basic shapes with the correct edge flow. With the knowledge of how the objects are modeled with neat edge flow you can create most models. I hope you enjoy the video! consider the information as you try to create more…
Blender for Beginners: 3D Modeling a Basic Handgun tutorial series part 2 by Zoonyboyz
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/OeEu-b4VIMM/hqdefault.jpg Blender for Beginners: 3D Modeling a Basic Handgun tutorial series part 2 by Zoonyboyz Link to part 3 This Video was created by Zoonyboyz, if you like please show your support by subscribing to his channel where you can find many more great tutorials http://www.youtube.com/user/Zoonyboyz In this Blender beginner / intermediate tutorial Zoonyboyz will…